Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Billionaires Help Katrina Victims

After looking at the Warren Buffet special on CNBC the other night and after that I started to watch in HBO the Comic Relief special something just popped up in my head “Katrina Victims” I don’t know why but it just happened. Later on I started to think how much those people have suffered and the living conditions that they are having to get used to in a day-to-day. I remember seeing in the Comic Relief special that they were building houses for those victims for something like $49,000 or something like that and then I thought about how many of those houses can be built if every Billionaire in the United States of America (which if I can recall it right Forbes magazine list the richest people in the US and I think is well over 100 if I’m not mistaken) donated $1 Million dollars to rebuilt the area, to help those families rebuild houses, or get new houses for them, I might not be a Finance guru but I would assume that $1 Million for a Billionaire is like pocket change for them plus I know for a fact that if they were to do that then that donation would be a tax write off and they will get it back which means that they are loosing no money and they will be helping the great cause. Let’s think about it if only the top 100 richest people of the US donate $1 Million then we’ll have $100 Million to rebuild or build houses (about 20 of those $49,000 houses if my math serves me right per $1 Million so we are talking over 2,000 housing units) there can be a whole lot that can be done with that kind of money. Don’t have to give it to an organization to handle that task find someone, some CEO to oversee the handling of that money to make sure that it is used to for the purpose that it was set out to be. So basically what I’m trying to do is call out all of those people that have those resources to put them into play and let’s help those people get their lives back in order. Some people have a givers heart like me but most of us don’t have a givers wallet to do it.

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