Sunday, March 02, 2008

Oprah's Big Give


I just got finished watching the new show from Oprah Winfrey "Oprah Winfrey's Big Give" and i tell you what....that is one of the best reality tv shows i've ever seen in a long time. Here it is people go out and have to raise money by any means to help people in need. There were a couple that really had me going for a minute there. If you are a very sentimental person have your Kleenex ready because it is a very moving show. I liked the one for the guy that passed away and left his wife and two daughters behind (Tom Egan) and how they wrote notes and sent them up with ballons (that was moving). Another one that i liked was the one with the homeless lady (Chantelle...i think i spelled it right) just the fact that unknown people went out and raised money and not only a little bit but they raised money for college and house and a car that was phenomenal. Anyways i just thought i put it in here. Catch all my other postings in my blogs. Until then don't forget "Be good.....if you can't be good at it"



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