Friday, August 25, 2006

Help Me Understand !!!

I know I did bad things that hurt you bad, I did not mean to cause you so much heartbreaking pain and anguish and I hope you believe me. Even though I have hurt you, it wasn't intended because I didn't know any better. Call me an ignorant, stupid fool, call me what you will, but please let me make things better and make things right between us. I need your help to understand. First let me make you understand that I know that I hurt you and I can tell you honestly that it will never happen again. I want to learn, I want to make things right, I want to do anything I can to make you happy once again. Relationships take work, hard work and although I can make mistakes, it is only because I have never been involved in such a deep relationship before, I've never felt this way for another woman. This is new to me and I am still learning how to act and behave because like I told you before I've never cared about somebody like I care about you. I hope you will help me to make things better for not just me or you but the both of us. I am having a difficult time understanding the pain I have caused you, it is not because I don't want to. I do want to. I wish I could feel that pain for you and take it away. I would take all of the suffering for you if you would allow me. Please, please, please, please, Baby please forgive me, I have only always loved you since the day I that I told you that I LOVED YOU. I throw myself at your mercy and hope that your love will one day be as strong as mine. I that you see how imperfect I am but I would love for you to also see how perfect my love is for you. I only make mistakes because I was stupid and not thinking clearly then. Please forgive me Baby, my love, and help me to make things right for both of us.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you say that you didn't no any better than to hurt but if that is so and you have recongnized the error of your way, do you still continue to hurt...if so than why?