Monday, August 07, 2006

My Depressive Life

This past week has been really bad for me. Suffering from depression is a complicated thing. I try so hard to fight my monsters, but they are resilient. When the smallest thing goes wrong, I feel like my world is over. And when I have a bad week, it seems like I am fighting a losing battle. I hate it. I hate being crazy. The sadness is indescribable. I feel like I don’t belong in this world. Like nothing will ever change. Like I just can’t seem to catch a break. Everytime I tell myself to be positive and get through it, I always get knocked back down by someone or something. That is inevitable. It is the only constant thing in my life. Just love the people in your life with everything you have. It does not count if you don’t tell them. Tell them they matter. Tell them you need them & love them & would be lost without them. Be kind to everyone, whether a friend or a stranger. Please understand that your words can make or ruin someone’s day without you even realizing it. Know that there are some people out there with extremely fragile souls who can break so easily. People who have already been broken and are trying desperately to put their lives back together. Some, like me, go through their day grasping at the smallest bit of hope that they can wake up tomorrow and face their lives again. Realize they need you to love them. Understand they feel lost and are searching for something to hope for.Be the hope they can cling to.

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